Armatis Legal Advisor
At Armatis, we specialize in business law and new technologies. Based on our experience, we have designed a service that offers personalized legal protection solutions tailored to the needs of your company.. Through legal techniques and strategies, we can help you prevent conflicts and legal issues, protecting the development and success of your business. We have designed two packages, as an example, but they are customized with the specific services that each client needs annually.
Premises, Office or Warehouse
Insurance policy review Client contacts (Service provision, sales, etc.)Review of current contracts
Review of new contract
Supplier contractsReview of current contracts
Review of new contract
Queries raised and their responseConsulta Query (In this section, all
queries raised by the client, as well as the
response sent)
Annual meeting (improvement proposals)Armatis
Review of current contracts
Review of new contract
Supplier contractsReview of current contracts
Review of new contract
Employee contractsReview of current additional clauses
Drafting of non-competition clause
Drafting of non-solicitation clause
Communication of commercial bonuses (remuneration
plan, variable, stock options/phantom shares/
share acquisition)
Confidentiality document
WebsiteTerms and conditions of online contracting
Privacy policy
Cookie policy
Protection of IntangiblesTrademark/Trade name registration
Protection of trade secrets
Raised inquiries and their responseInquiry (This section will reflect all the inquiries raised by the client,
as well as the sent response)
TRAININGTraining and awareness on cybersecurity for employees:
In Company
Annual meeting (improvement proposals)